2 Simple Resources to Consider When Looking for Your Next Credit Card
Make credit card research simple for yourself
Finding your next credit card does not have to be complicated. Whether you are looking for a cash-back credit card to gain rewards from your gas and grocery spending, or a travel credit card for your summer trips, there are two simple resources you can use. Those resources are CardMatch by CreditCard.com and Recommend by NerdWallet.
On CardMatch by CreditCard.com, you will do a soft credit check to determine what credit cards you will likely be able to qualify for. A soft credit check does not affect your credit score or credit report. Once you have submitted your information, you will be presented with credit cards that the tool has matched you with. You can use the left-hand list to filter for features and issuers.
On Recommend by NerdWallet, you will answer a series of questions to determine what credit cards will be recommended to you. No soft credit check is required. Once you answer the questions, you will be recommended credit cards.
As I stated at the beginning, finding your next credit card does not have to be complicated. Simply using tools such as CardMatch by CreditCard.com and Recommend by NerdWallet will help to make credit card research simple for yourself. Of course, once you have determined the one or two credit cards you would like to apply for, go to their websites for more details, read reviews, and look into what people are saying about them on Reddit.